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TechLab Demos - Joomla!® Pro

TechLab Demo - JoomlaPro

JP YOOtheme User Tools

Say hello to Linda, the tech-savvy woman who always seems to misplace her passwords. Despite her best efforts, she's constantly resetting her login information and trying to keep track of her ever-growing list of accounts. But with our plugin, she'll never have to worry about forgetting a password again!

UIkit overrides for User Pages (Joomla)

On this demo page we have installed the JP YOOtheme User Tools plugin and you can see what it does in these links:

Button type Login module

You can set the Login module to be in 3 different types. Normal box, Button or inline. These modes are perfect fit for position toolbar-right or left in YOOtheme Pro.

Module JP Yootheme Login

Inline type Login module

The inline type login module creates a nice horisontal login bar that takes minimum space and looks very professional on a member type website.

Extension details: